NFA Restores 60% Hectares of Destroyed Kangombe Forest Reserve


By Leilah Bbaale

National Forestry Authority-NFA has revealed that 60% out of 80% hectares of the destroyed Kangombe forest reserve in Kagadi district has been restored.

This was revealed by Boaz Basigirenda the NFA Range Manager for Budongo Forest in Bunyoro sub region during a stakeholder’s meeting held at Kamukore C.O.U in Kamukore Village Ngoma Parish Bwikara Sub county Kagadi District.

According to Basigirenda, Kagombe Forest reserve sits on 17,751 Hectares of which 80% of this was depleted by encroachers by 2017.

However, Basigirenda was glad to inform stakeholders that through the Investment in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate Smart Development program (IFPACID) being funded by the World Bank, at least 60% of the depleted Kagombe forest has since been restored.

He says this program aims at promoting eco-tourism, promoting the livelihood of forest hosting communities, creating forest infrastructure like constructing roads in forests and visitor information centers.

Titus Akora from Wild Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) under Forest Regeneration for Enhanced Carbon Absorption Project (FRECA) revealed that they have in the past two years restored 726 Hectares of Kagombe forest reserve and are committed to also restoring more 600 Hectares this year.