Produce Children You Can Ably Look After, Female Parents Told.


By Johnson Kanyesige

Female parents in Hoima City have been implored to have children they can ably take care of, in the absence of their fathers.

This according to the City Education Officer Johnson Kusiima Baingana, will facilitate the well-planned children access education among other needs they deserve as they grow. He made the remarks during the Speech Day for Hoima Public primary school in Hoima City on Wednesday in which children displayed different talents through music and drama.

Kusiima says the poor performance among the children is blamed on lack of effective care given to them from their homes by their parents adding that female parents should make correct decisions when it comes to the number of children one is supposed to produce.

He says producing five or six children with an intention of keeping a man without necessarily thinking about the future of their children will only leave the later undergo untold suffering.

Meanwhile, Baingana has cautioned parents and guardians to avoid engaging the holiday makers in child labour activities like hawking of perishable goods and merchandize along the streets.

He adds that with the increase of traffic in the city, there is need for parents to monitor the movements of their children and ensure they don’t spend time in unproductive activities.

Harriet Karungi the school headteacher encouraged parents to provide lunch for their children adding that since the time of Covid 19, as school management they resolved to keep children at school during the lunch time and also minimize on road accidents and other possible criminality cases in the city.