Kikuube LC1 Chairpersons on Spot over Extortion from Beneficiaries of the Ongoing Systematic Land Demarcation Exercise


By Godfrey Muhumuza

Local Council One Chairpersons in Kikuube district are on spot over alleged extortion from the beneficiaries of the ongoing systematic land demarcation in the district.

The Kikuube district resident commissioner (RDC), Amlan Tumusiime, has disclosed that he has received reports regarding how the village leaders in the district are working with surveyors of the ongoing exercise to extort money from locals.

Tumusiime says people are being asked to first pay money between 10,000 to 50,000 shillings in order to have their land surveyed.

He has now reminded the residents especially the beneficiaries of the exercise targeted to receive the 20,000 free land titles to only mobilize UGX 85,000, the money that is only require to have a land title

The commissioner has given those involved in the act to refund the money they have illegally received within one week.