The police in Kagadi are currently pursuing unidentified thugs who raided Namilyango Cell in Kagadi Town Council, Kagadi District, on Wednesday night and stole three keys belonging to Centenary Bank’s Kagadi branch. The exact time of the raid remains unknown.
The thieves targeted the home of Tom Luswata, a banking officer at the Centenary Bank Kagadi branch. They broke into his house, stole three keys meant for the bank’s entrance doors, and also made off with Luswata’s pair of shoes and a jacket. Luswata discovered the theft when he woke up on Thursday morning and promptly reported the incident to the bank manager, Johnson Galimaka, who then notified the police.
Julius Hakiza, the Albertine Region Police spokesperson, confirmed that detectives acted swiftly upon receiving the information. They rushed to the Centenary Bank Kagadi branch to check if the stolen keys had been used to gain unauthorized access. Fortunately, upon inspection, the police found that the bank’s facilities were secure and undisturbed.
Hakiza speculated that the thieves might have specifically targeted Luswata, suggesting they may have had prior knowledge of his connection to the bank. The incident disrupted bank operations as the management struggled to force open the three doors for business to resume. The police are continuing their search for the suspects and have urged the public to remain vigilant.