Tayebwa Sends Ssekikubo Petition to Lands Ministry for Investigation


By Johnson Kanyesige

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Thomas Tayebwa has referred the matter against Lwemiyaga County representative Theodore Ssekikubo to the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development for investigation.

Last month, a group of residents from Lwemiyaga, led by Yiga Kisakyamukama, petitioned Parliament accusing Ssekikubo of land grabbing, torture, shooting, and causing death and destruction of properties.

In his communication to Parliament, Tayebwa revealed that the matter has been forwarded to the Minister and a report to Parliament is expected within three months.

He emphasized that action will be taken against either party found guilty, depending on the findings from the investigation.

“On 15th of July 2024, I received a petition from families in Lwemiyaga and Sembabule who claimed they had been illegally evicted from their land and mistreated by honorable Ssekibubo Theodore, the MP for Lwemiyaga County. I have considered referring the same petition to the Minister of Lands who will coordinate with other relevant ministries,” Tayebwa said on Thursday.

The investigation aims to find the root of the allegations and ensure justice is served.