Commercialization of Politics, Voter Bribery Hampering Effective Democratic Processes


By Johnson Kanyesige

Political commercialization and voter bribery have been listed as the leading issues hampering effective democratic processes.

In a one day regional engagement organized by Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) on Thursday at Masindi Kolping Hotel, several political actors and civil society organizations, electoral commission officials among others delved into the pressing issues and solutions to ensure effective democratic processes.

Ateenyi Rutindo Kanaginagi the Masindi district NRM vice Chairperson  political commercialization most political actors invest heavily with an aim of personal ambitions overriding service delivery.

He says the vice needs to be solved right from parliament through setting a national salaries board to ensure each public servant has a known salary scale.

Fredrick Banage, the Masindi FDC Chairperson says voters have elected more of merchants than those who will genuinely serve them because they come shinning with huge sums of money to buy their votes.

Hannington Kasasa an activist and the NUP’s  Bunyoro youth Chairperson says there are many issues hampering effective democratic processes during elections.

He says there has been acts of security intimidating voters on polling days and unlawful arrests that he says Electoral Commission should find provide solutions.

He blames NRM party for increased political commercialization adding that elections should be free and fair. He says as opposition they priotize popularizing their manifestos however they are overcome by the huge sums of money used by other political actors who buy off voters.

Everest Twinomujuni the Masindi district electoral administrator says it is the role of stakeholders to fight voter bribery. He says members of parliament need to legislate strict laws to air out electoral commercialization which he says is a cancer eating up the country.