Transporters Hike Fares Following Closure of Hoima-Kampala Road



Motorists plying the Hoima-Kampala route have increased transport fares due to the temporary closure of the Hoima-Kampala highway. The road was closed after River Kafu burst its banks on Monday evening and submerged the entire bridge. As a result, transporters plying the Kampala-Hoima route were rerouted to Hoima-Masindi road. This change has forced transporters to raise their fares. Initially, the journey from Hoima to Kampala cost 20,000 Shillings.

However, Ham Mugisa, the Chairperson of the Management of Hoima Taxi/Bus Park, explained in an interview on Tuesday afternoon that due to the altered route, the fares have been revised to Shillings 25,000. He explains that the increase is intended to compensate for the extra kilometers traveled by transporters following the closure of the Hoima-Kampala Road.

The route through Masindi to access Kampala is approximately 200 kilometers, adding an extra 70 kilometers for direct travelers. Mugisa has asked passengers to be patient as it is a situation beyond their control. He said the hike in transport fares is temporary. He warned drivers on the Hoima-Kampala route to maintain discipline and not overcharge passengers beyond the agreed-upon transport fares of 25,000 Shillings.

Jackline Alituha, a traveler noted that most people are struggling to afford the current transport fares. Many are considering postponing their trips to Kampala until the water level on the Kafu bridge recedes. Joseph Serunkuma, a driver on the Hoima-Kampala route, explained that they had to increase fares due to the extended journey and the additional kilometers covered. Julius Hakiza, the Albertine region police spokesperson, reported that police have been deployed to manage the increasing traffic on both sides of the river to prevent further disruptions.