IGG Asked to Fight NGOs that Fail to make Public Accountability


By Johnson Kanyesige

Local Government leaders from refugee hosting districts must take lead and fight corruption, bribery, illicit enrichments among others if they are to ensure improved service delivery in their areas of jurisdiction.

Leaders have to face the corruption pandemic head on by ensuring they engage their communities in planning and initiation of activities, budgeting among others, carry out intensive and consistent monitoring of different government projects with the publics on board.

Dr. Patricia Achan Okiria, the deputy Inspectorate of Government, during an engagement with refugee host districts in Western Uganda at Miika Eco Resort Hotel on Thursday afternoon said leaders must carry out due diligence, vigilance on contractors’ activities starting with how they obtained the contracts, implementation, and sustainability aspects.

Achan says they are now taking the war on corruption to all citizens under their new strategy of “prevention than cure” in order to weed out the “rotten fruits” blocking service delivery.

She says they are now arming the troops that include local leaders and community monitoring groups, civil society organisations and every patriotic citizen with information of what corruption is, give it a name, despise it and fight it until victory is attained.

Kirungi Kadiri, the Hoima district LCV chairperson has appreciated the IGG’s mandate in fighting corruption. He challenges the IGG to whip out NGOs whom he says receive funds on behalf of the public without showing them accountability.