MPs say 11th Parliament Should Focus on Pro-People Legislation


By Leilah Bbaale

Some members of Parliament have said that the 11th parliament should focus on passing legislation that is pro-people and not focus on what political parties want.

Parliament is expected to swear in 166 Members of Parliament today out of the 529 MPs to the 11th Parliament.

Some MPs, new and old have said that the 11th parliament should work for the people because it is the people who gave them mandate and not focus so much on the parties.

Christine Apolot, a newcomer and Woman MP Kumi says that although she came under the National Resistance Movement (NRM), the people are key and she will not take all the decisions of NRM, but what the people want.

Betty Aol Ochan, the Gulu Woman MP after swearing-in says that it is time to see a return to constitutionalism not state rule and persecution of citizens. She also says that Parliament should legislate for the People and not the interest of individuals.

Meanwhile some MPs say they will focus on implementing the Government proposals like the Parish model.

New Isingiro West MP, Reuben Arinaitwe said that since it’s a new term for him, he hopes to focus on implementing government programs like the Parish model that will see each parish get 30 million shillings.

Harriet Businge, the Hoima district Woman MP says that her role this term will be to focus on poverty alleviation in her area.