Gulu University earmarked sh200 million to refurbish Hoima City Campus



Gulu University has earmarked sh200 million to refurbish its satellite campus in Hoima City.

The facelift is expected to be implemented in the 2021/2021 Financial Year, according to Associate Professor David Okello Owiny, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University who is leading the University’s Management team in a field visit to the site.

The team is assessing the status of the campus since its closure after the outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

David Obol Otori, the University Secretary rallied Bunyoro Kingdom to continue supporting them in lobbying for more resources so that the Hoima campus is expanded.

He also informed the Kingdom’s Premier Andrew Byakutaga Ateenyi that the University had acquired a 7-acre piece of land in Buswekera, Hoima for future expansion.

James Onono Ojok, the Assistant Public Relations Officer of the University said Gulu University partnered with the Royal Kingdom of Bunyoro to give affordable University education to the subjects of the King.

He explained that as part of the goodwill and gesture, the Kingdom offered part of their buildings to kick-start the current Campus and alluded that after the proposed face-lift, the Hoima Campus is expected to undergo accreditation for autonomy.

According to Onono, with the growing demand for more programmes and convenient distance of the campus to the King’s subjects in Bunyoro, up to the completion of the refurbishment, more diverse courses including Postgraduate and distance learning programmes will be considered.