Wild Fires a Threat to Sugarcane Growing Business in Kikuube


By John Bosco Tugume

Sugarcane farmers in Kikuube district have been asked to employ fire safety measures as a prevention measure against burning of their crops this season.

This after over 50 acres of sugarcane belonging to Nebba Byaruhanga, the Buhimba sub-county LC3 chairman were burnt down.

Francis Kazini Twinomuzuni, the Kikuube LC5 chairman who is also the MP elect for Buhaguzi County observes that cases of wild fires destroying sugarcane are becoming common.

Kazini advises sugarcane farmers in the district to ensure they have a clean fire lines around their gardens which he says acts as a fire burier from reaching out their gardens.

He also cautions the public against lighting up fires anyhow during this dry season which he says poses a big risk farmers.

Max Omuto, the chairperson for the cane out growers asks farmers to report cases of sugarcane devastated by fires for quick harvest to avoid total loss.