Buliisa RDC Bans Scrap Business over Rising Vandalism of Signposts


By Edward Byamukama

The Resident District Commissioner Buliisa Longino Byagagaire Bahebwa has again banned scrap business due to rampant cases of theft including vandalizing of road signs.

In an Interview with our reporter on Wednesday, Bahebwa noted that, several road signs especially at the dark spots including River Waaki, Waiga, at the escarpment area and almost all over the district have been vandalised by criminals who sell them to scrap dealers, the act that he said has contributed and caused numerous accidents.

Bahebwa expressed concern over scrap dealers for intentionally buying the road signposts vandalized by criminals thus prompting for immediate action.

The RDC asked members of the public to carefully utilize the road by protecting the road signs saying they are erected to warn road users of what is ahead.