Hoima Catholic Diocese Set to Hold 2024 National Youth Conference


By Godfrey Muhumuza

Preparations for the 2024 National Youth Conference are in high gear with Hoima Catholic Diocese set to host over 10,000 youths from all the diocese in Uganda for the rotational annual provincial Youth conference. Through this conference, the church seeks to work with the government to transform the lives of the young generation.

The diocese is hosting the youth event on behalf of the province of Mbarara mostly targeting school and non-school going youths from all denominations from the age of 12-35 with an aim of transforming their lives into better Ugandans

Rev. Fr. Lawrence Mandela, the Diocesan youth chaplain and Rev. Fr. Silvester Birungi reveal that the church is implementing its mandate of guiding, empowering and teaching the youth to live a Godly life

The diocesan Vicar General Monsignor Robert Mugisa says they are expecting very many youths all the country and beyond that has been confirmed to start on the December 10- 15 this year.

Monsignor Mugisa has appreciated different people who have participated in the preparation of this conference

The theme for the conference is derived from the book of Isaiah chapter 40; 31 “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” as given to them by the holy father Pope Francis In preparation for the Jubilee pilgrimage due to be held in 2025