Hoima District Service Commission Secretary Arrested Over Abuse of Office.


By Godfrey Muhumuza

The Hoima district secretary to the service commission and Principal Human Resource officer has Thursday been arrested over abuse of office and violation of public service standing orders.

Francis Busobozi has been arrested on the orders of the Hoima district LCV Chairperson Uthuman Mubarak Mugisa who accused the secretary of the commission for promoting himself without following the prevailing public service standing orders

According to Uthuman, Busobozi has promoted himself from Human resource officer to principle Human resource officer in three years since he got appointed as a secretary to the district service commission in 2018 which is against the law.

He has further revealed that the district is on the verge of losing over UGX80 millions in compensation and court awards due to irregularities in the operations spearheaded by Busobozi during the dubious appointments and promotions.

During the extended district executive committee meeting held at the district headquarters on Thursday Busobozi was put to task to explain the allegations and defend himself however, he claimed that he is being targeted and requested for some time to explain what transpired in the commission.

The district executive committee later handed Busobozi to Kasingo police to make a statement regarding the issues raised in the meeting.

According to the district boss, Busobozi was later detained at Kasingo Police post after recording his statement.