Four Medical Workers in Kibaale Interdicted Over Theft of Drugs


By Edward Byamukama

Four medical workers of Maisuuka Health Center III in Kibaale district have been interdicted for alleged theft of drugs.

Those interdicted are Moses Bwambale, the in charge of the health facility, Agatha Kabonesa and Kisembo Atugonza both midwives and Janet Asiimwe, a Nurse.

The health workers are accused of stealing 28 boxes of Coartem, 200 HIV testing kits, 12 boxes of malaria testing kits, 70 bottles of ceftriaxone and 45 bottles of Artesunate among others from the health facility.

John Katororoma, the Kibaale Chief Administrative Officer-CAO confirmed the interdiction of the medical personnel. He said that their interdiction is meant to pave the way for investigations.

He explains that for a long time, the implicated staff have been planning, conniving and stealing government drugs from Maisuuka Health Center III which is their duty station.

He says, currently the health workers will be subjected to half salary as investigations into their case continue.

Katotoroma explains that they are liaising with the office of District Health Officer-DHO Kibaale to dispatch additional drugs to Maisuuka Health Centre III to replace the stolen ones as they wait for more medical assortment to be delivered by the National Medical Stores (NMS).

He says the district has deployed four new staff at the health facility to replace those interdicted.

James Asiimwe, the Acting District Health Officer-DHO for Kibaale says the operations against theft of government drugs by health workers are on to ensure that people get appropriate health service delivery.

Immaculate Nyamahunge, a resident of Nyamarunda in Kibaale states that, in most health facilities in the district, patients are being turned away due to lack of drugs yet some of the few available drugs are being stolen by health workers.

Christopher Venansio, a resident of Karuguza has welcomed the interdiction of the health workers stating that this will act as a lesson to others who engage in theft of drugs.