Lack of Transport, Low Budget Hampering Effective Operations of Masindi Remand Home


By Flavia  Ajok

Lack of transport and low budget is hampering the effective operations of Masindi remand home.

The remand home which serves the nine districts of Bunyoro region houses child offenders from Hoima City, Hoima district, Kagadi, Kibaale, Kakumiro Kiryandongo, Buliisa and Masindi districts.

Now the remand home meant to respect the rehabilitate child offenders is struggling to operate due to a low budget and its small size to accommodate all boys and girls from the eight districts of Bunyoro, according to Badru Mugabi the Hoima City Resident Commissioner.

Mugabi further revealed that the remand home can only accommodate boys and there is no facility meant for girls.

He says if girls get attested, they are either taken to Fort portal or Kampiringisa and yet the facility lacks transport means to keep transporting them whenever they appear in court

Badru now requests the Ministry of Gender to provide transport means to help in the managing of the facility that he says has instead turned into a child abusing facility.