Hoima City Woman MP Tasks Gov’t to Explain the Whereabouts of Bunyoro NRM Mobilizer


By Johnson Kanyesige

The Hoima City Woman Member of Parliament Asinansi Nyakato Kamanda has asked government to explain to Parliament the whereabouts of the ruling NRM party Bunyoro region coordinator Michael Christopher Ayeranga who was allegedly kidnapped by unknown people and taken to unknown destination.

Nyakato while at the floor of Parliament on Tuesday noted the disappearance of Ayeranga is a matter of national importance that Government should ensure he is located after his disappearance has caused unease among Bunyoro residents

Nyakato tasked the government to produce Michael Christopher Ayeranga before courts of law and be offered an opportunity to be heard or released if he is in lawful custody.

The Hoima City Woman MP expressed dismay that it is now more than 13 days since Ayeranga was allegedly kidnapped, however to date, his friends, family and lawyers remain in darkness about his whereabouts.

“It is now 13 days since he was kidnapped and his family, friends, lawyers and the people of Bunyoro generally do not know his whereabouts. Even if it had been security agencies behind this kidnap or arrest, holding someone for 13 days without being produced before courts of law is unconstitutional as it contravenes the 48 hour rule,” she added.

She added if a whole presidential advisor can be kidnapped for two weeks and cannot be traced, wondering how it can turn out for the rest of ordinary Ugandans.