President Museveni Stays Eviction of Residents in Kyegegwa


By Johnson Kanyesige

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has stayed the eviction of more than 13,000 people in Kyegegwa District.

The President issued the directive on Friday while meeting leaders and residents of Kyegegwa District at Nsooba Primary School playground.

The land in question measures 48 square miles in Kyaka I and covers the sub-counties of Rwentuha, Kazinga Town Council, and part of Mpara Town Council.

In January, President Museveni permitted investors to use part of the land, where Kyaka One and Kyaka Two refugee camps sit, for avocado growing.

Museveni, in his letter dated January 30, 2024, directed the minister of relief, disaster preparedness and refugees, Hon. Hillary Onek, to secure 10 square miles of land (2,600 hectares) off the two refugee camps of Kyaaka one and Kyaaka two.

The president says half of the land will go to avocado-growing investors, while the other half will be used to develop an industrial park in the area.

Museveni argued that this would create jobs for Ugandans and also increase government revenue through taxes.

However local leaders and the occupants of the land opposed the President’s directives saying that they have nowhere else to go after occupying the land for over 30 years.

On Friday, President Museveni made a U-turn and allowed the occupants to stay on the land without any interference. He added that the investor will be given another piece of land in the Kyaaka II refugee settlement camp to grow Hass avocado and construct an industrial park.

The President encouraged them to put the land to good use by engaging in agriculture and continuing to support government programs.

He also advised them to stop destroying wetlands and protect the environment.