Institutions Ask UBTEB to Act Tough on Supervisors Who Aid Exam Malpractice



Principals and owners of vocational institutions in Ankole have asked the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board-UBTEB to scrutinize their supervisors whom they accuse of aiding exam malpractice.

During the post-examination feedback workshop at Nyamitanga Technical Institute in Mbarara City on Friday, the principals said that despite efforts to combat cheating, they are being undermined by supervisors and invigilators who accept bribes from students to cheat.

Mumbogwe Milton, the Principal of Kichwaba Technical Institute, revealed that supervisors establish tally centres with students who pool money together to pay the supervisors.

Ayijuka Rodgers, the Director of Rap Technical Institute, blamed the principals who want to appease the directors of the schools and connive with monitoring and verification teams to cheat exams.

Nasaza Jalia, the Manager of Vocational Education at UBTEB, asked the principals and directors of institutions to report any supervisors who facilitate malpractice.

Prof. Kamateneti Mauda, a member of the UBTEB Board representing the Board Chairperson, said that they will re-register all institutes with a focus on enhancing their visibility through technology to the board.

She added that UBTEB will not tolerate exam malpractice, and any institution involved in exam cheating will be de-registered as per the Minister’s directive.