Thugs Attack, Injure Kiganja LC5 Councilor


By Godfrey Muhumuza/URN

Jackson Mugenyi Mulindambura, the LC5 Councilor for Kiganja sub county in Hoima district is admitted at EDPA Medical center in Hoima city after an attack by thugs.

Mulindambura was attacked on Wednesday night at around 11p.m at Kigorobya 1 cell, Kigorobya town council as he was heading to his home that is also situated within Kigorobya town council.

Mulindambura told our reporter from his hospital bed, that on Wednesday night at around 10P.M, he picked a boda boda rider from Hoima city to transport him to Kigorobya town council.   He says when they reached Kigorobya town, he told the boda boda rider to go back to Hoima city.

He had just started moving on foot when a group of six men attacked him. He said that the thugs ordered him to surrender all the money he had in his possession.

Fearing for his life, he pulled out shillings 50,000 that he had in his pocket and surrendered it to the thugs.

The thugs later demanded that he hands over to them a bag he was holding and when he resisted, one of the thugs pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the stomach and both hands.

He started bleeding profusely as the thugs fled the crime scene with his bag containing his academic documents. He later sounded an alarm that attracted area residents who came to his rescue and conveyed him to EDPA medical center in Hoima city.

Mulindambura has appealed to police to intensify patrols in Kigorobya town council to combat the escalating crime rate stating that in only three months, ten people have been attacked and injured by thugs in the area.

Uthman Mubarak Mugisa, the Hoima LC5 Chairperson has condemned the attack on his councilor and tasked security to thoroughly investigate the matter. He states that there is need to deploy more police officers in the area to combat crime.

Julius Hakiza, the Albertine region police spokesperson has confirmed the attack on the councilor, saying that they have initiated investigations.

Patrick Musinguzi, a resident of Kigorobya town council has tasked police to intensify patrols since thugs are terrorizing residents in the area.