Local Forest Management Groups Record Strides in NFA Partnership


By Flavia Ajok

The National Forestry Authority (NFA) has started recording significant achievements following its partnership with local forest management groups in Masindi district.

NFA is working with six collaborative forestry management groups of about 800 members in the catchment area of Budongo Forest in the sub-counties of Budongo, Nyantonzi, and Karjubu Division in Masindi Municipality.

With the support of NFA and other partners, the local groups are also involved in different activities including restoring the destroyed parts of the forest, patrolling the forest to combat illegal activities, planting trees, and establishing tree nursery beds.

According to Boaz Basigirenda, Range Manager Budongo Systems Range, they are working with the local groups to manage Budongo Forest on mutually agreed terms including the roles, benefits and the responsibilities for each party.

Basigirenda added that about 3,800 beehives have been given out to the groups in the catchment area of Budongo Forest Reserve.

Fred Lemeriga, Chairperson Kapeeka Integrated Community Development Association which also has 304 members commended NFA for helping them start up livelihood programmes, adding that members now have other alternatives to depend on for livelihoods other than the forest.

Moses Kirya, Masindi district councilor explained that the partnership between the community groups and NFA in the district has not only protected the forest but also improved the wellbeing of the locals.

Kirya urged NFA to extend the same partnerships to other areas in the district such that they can also transform and stop forest destruction.