Police to Arrest Boda Boda Passengers Without Helmets


By Johnson Kanyesige

Police have announced a crackdown targeting both riders and passengers on boda bodas without crash helmets.

Traffic Police spokesperson, Michael Kananura told journalists on Monday that whereas many members of the public think crash helmets are not supposed to be worn by riders, the reverse is true.

“It is both the rider and passenger required to wear the helmet unlike before when it was for the riders. We have updated officers on the regulatory amendments which among others include helmet use. Therefore, soon we are going to start enforcing the use of helmets,” Kananura said.

The Traffic Police spokesperson said the operations that are soon starting will target both riders and passengers who are not wearing crash helmets.

Crash helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 69% and reduce the risk of death by 42%.

With boda bodas being one of the leading causes of accidents especially in Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area, crash helmets play a crucial role of reducing the risk of fatal head injuries by up to 70%.

Police on Monday said they will also resume operations targeting riders without riding permits after giving them a grace period of over a month.

Traffic Police spokesperson, Michael Kananura  said the grace period came after the fees for acquiring a riding licence were slashed to ensure a three year licence now goes for shs135000.