Communities Plant 8,000 Trees to Mitigate Bugoma Forest Depletion Effects


At least 8,000 tree seedlings have been planted on private land neighbouring Bugoma Central Forest Reserve at Nyairongo Village in Kabwoya Sub-county, Kikuube District.

According to Mr Hassan Mugyenyi, the Chairperson Save Bugoma Forest Campaign Local Chatter, the residents chose to start their own reforestation initiative given that Bugoma forest reserve continues to be degraded to untold levels.

He says the planted trees account for 64 acres of land all together and they intend to plant many more given support from different stakeholders.

Muguenyi added that the association has been seeking seedling donations from well-wishers including Care Uganda and distributing to residents that demonstrate readiness to plant them.

Under their umbrella, Nyairongo Environmental Recovery Initiative (NERI), the members started the initiative two years ago after identifying that degradation on the disputed forest parts between the National Forest Reserve (NFA), Hoima Sugar Limited and Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom was not ending.

The tree planting campaign has also been extended to Kyangwali sub-county since they all cherish Bugoma forest for herbal medicine, conducive weather, water sources and access to construction materials.

The members have opened up a contact office at Nyairongo trading centre for quick access by well-wishers and those in need of planting trees.

Two months ago, Bugoma forest host communities petitioned the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) demanding it to effect its directive asking Hoima Sugar Limited to restore the degraded parts of Bugoma Central Forest Reserve aside from the disputed and undisputed area it leased from Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom.