Mulindambura Welcomes Vice Chairperson Nomination, to Champion Service Delivery in Hoima District


By Johnson Kanyesige

The newly nominated vice chairperson of Hoima district Jackson Magambo Mulindambura who now awaits approval by the district council says he will champion service delivery among the Hoima district electorates.

Mulindambura the district councillor for Kiganja Sub County was Tuesday nominated to the position of vice chairperson by the district chairperson Uthuman Mugisa Mubarak.

Mubarak says Mulindambura boasts of a more than 20 years experience in the local government sector and his passion for offering services to the people of Hoima.

Speaking to Spice FM on Tuesday evening, Mulindambura says once approved by the district council he is ready to serve in the position since his mode of service is to ensure the communities of Hoima get effective service delivery.

Mulindambura says he will coordinate the executive committee motions to ensure they are approved by the council, monitor different projects together with the Chairperson and among other responsibilities as assigned by the Chairperson.

However the speaker of Hoima district council Swaibu Nyangabyaki says council will convene this Thursday and approve or disapprove the nominated candidate depending on their discretion based on different factors.