Women’s Day: Female MPs Want More Shelter for GBV Victims


By Johnson Kanyesige

Opposition female legislators have implored the government to urgently construct more shelters to accommodate victims of gender-based violence (GBV) with more interest in women and girls who are prone to the vice.

In the joint International Women’s Day message released by the shadow minister for gender labour and social development Ms Fortunate Nantongo, the shelters should be established in all districts of the country so that female victims of gender-based-violence not only find solace but also get empowered to combat the vice.

The MPs hope that this will lessen the burden attached to only 13 shelters currently available in the whole country.

Nantongo noted that the new shelters should avail refuge, medical support, legal redress as well as psycho-social support to victims.

This year’s Women’s Day celebrations will be held in Katakwi district under the theme ‘’Accelerating gender equality through economic empowerment’’.