Heavy Hailstorm Devastates Kiziranfumbi Sub County


By Edward Byamukama

Residents of Kidoma and Kanyegaamire Parishes in Kiziramfumbi Sub County Kikuube district are counting losses after heavy rains coupled with a hailstorm blew roofs of most houses, churches and left several plantations and buildings destroyed.

According to Deus Bashabomwe the National Resistance Movement Publicity for Kiziramfumbi Sub County, wind that started at around 10pm on Tuesday, left Kihanga Church of Uganda in Nyamigogo LC1 destroyed saying Christians are now stranded.

He adds that, houses belonging to Guard Twinomujuni, a resident of Rusaka LC1, Christopher Katusabe resident of Kidoma Lc1 and Billy Safari a resident of Nyabunyira Village were also destroyed.

Furthermore, Bashabomwe narrates that over 500 bee hives in Nyabuhira were also destroyed by wind, including banana and cassava plantations.

He is calling upon government and political leaders to bail them out since they are likely to face famine.