Kagadi District LC5 Refuses to Apologize to Kagadi Inter Religious Council Over Creation of Kapyemi Healing City


By Edward Byamukama

The high-level stakeholders meeting organized to solve the controversial matter regarding the creation of Kapyemi Healing city within the boundaries of Kagadi district on Tuesday ended in disagreement forcing stakeholders to push the matter to President Museveni.

The meeting organized by office of the Kagadi RDC was held at St. Ambrose Institute of Health sciences main hall in Kagadi town council, Kagadi district.

The meeting was among other high-profile dignitaries graced by Rt Rev. Vincent Kirabo the Bishop of Hoima Catholic Diocese, Rt. Rev. Samuel Kahuma the Bishop of Bunyoro Kitara Diocese, Sheikh Hussein Ghalib Talib the Bunyoro- Tooro Regional Muslim Kadhi, Members of Parliament, Kagadi LC5 Chairman Ndibwami B Yosia and his executive members, senior presidential Advisors from Kagadi and a few selected Kagadi district councilors.

However, members of the Faith of Unity snubbed the meeting over unknown reasons.

The disagreement came up after the LC5 Chairman Ndibwami B Yosia declined to apologize to the public over the document he took to the minister of local government inquiring about the possible creation of Kapyemi healing city instead of Kagadi municipality.

He explained that the document had very many issues affecting the district and not only the Kapyemi Healing city matter as its being portrayed by the inter-religious council of Kagadi.

Also members of Parliament, including; Barnabas Tinkasimiire of Buyaga West, Eric Musana of Buyaga East and Janepher Kyomuhendo Mbabazi the District Woman Member of Parliament openly distanced themselves from the document that Ndibwami presented to the Minister of local government Rapheal Magyezi asserting that they were never consulted.

They blamed their political counterpart Ndibwami B Yosia for rushing the matter to the Minister of Local government without following the due process as he had previously guided while he was in the district.

In their submission over the matter the bishops Rt Rev. Vincent Kirabo and Rt. Rev. Samuel Kahuma blamed Ndibwami for being defensive and unapologetic over the controversial matter.

The dual castigated Kagadi politicians for cheapening themselves to one religious cult for mere political votes at the expense of their original religious beliefs.

Both Bishops thanked the inter-religious council of Kagadi for the great role played in far as the blocking of the creation of Kapyemi healing city is concerned.

Other stake holders and the representatives of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom Prime minister being represented by Owek Ssewante Francis tasked the Lc5 Chairperson Ndibwami to withdraw the letter that he took to the minister for local government if peaceful co-existence among the various religions is to be realized.

These further demanded all politicians that went to Kapyemi and got the money to refund it back if they are to be forgiven and the matter settled.

Members of the inter-religious council maintained that they want Kagadi Municipality but not Kapyemi healing city and that Kagadi is to be elevated to a city status, it shouldn’t have the word “healing”.

Meanwhile, Kagdi RDCs Lilian Ruteraho and Benjamin Tumusiime promised to work tirelessly and inform President Museveni on what has transpired during the meeting and also request him to arrange a special meeting to interface with the aggrieved parties and draw an ever-lasting solution on the matter.

During the meeting the Inter-Religious council of Kagadi maintained that their ban of denying politicians from speaking at religious led and organized events is to continue until the president pronounces himself on the matter.