Lake Albert Communities in Kyangwali Lack Protected Water Sources


By Peter Abanabasazi

Local communities at the shores of Lake Albert in Buhuka Parish, Kyangwali Sub County have expressed dismay over lack of protected water sources in the area.

The residents say that, most of the areas have no boreholes and they depend on water from the Lake which exposes them to a risk of contracting water borne diseases.

Speaking to Spice FM, Resty Kemigisha one of the affected residents says last year China National Off Shore Oil Company (CNOOC) extended piped water in the area but the taps did not cover the entire area.

Patrick Tibenda, a resident of Nsonga B landing site explains that there is need to construct more protected water sources in the area to enable the locals access clean safe water.

He notes that the water sources which were constructed in the area at times produce dirty water adding that even the water supply is not enough.