Energy State Minister asks Masindi LC1 Leaders to Join Fight Against Electricity Vandalism


By Flavia Ajok

The Minister of State for Energy, Okaasai Sidronius Opolot, has asked the LC1 chairpersons in Masindi district to join the fight against electricity infrastructure vandalism.

His call comes at a time when Masindi Municipality has been allocated 10,000 electricity connections for this financial year.

Minister Opolot tells Spice FM that the rampant vandalism of electricity infrastructure remains a major impediment to delivering quality and reliable power supply, especially to critical sectors such as Health and Manufacturing.

He reveals that over Shs2 billion is spent annually to replace vandalised power lines, on average.

Opolot says the ministry has embarked on intensifying collaboration with security agencies to investigate, arrest, and prosecute vandals before the courts of law.

Through the Electricity (Amendment) Act 2022, the Government has placed more stringent penalties for vandalism-related offences.

The law prescribes a 12-year jail sentence, or a fine of 50,000 Currency Points (Ush. 1 billion) or both for a vandal or anyone who receives vandalised electricity materials, and 15 years of imprisonment or 100,000 Currency Points (Ush. 2 billion) or both for repeated violations.