Bunyoro Kitara Diocese Bishop Begins Retirement Journey


By Leilah Bbaale

By August next year, the Bunyoro Kitara Anglican community will be welcoming the sixth overseer of the diocese as the incumbent, Bishop Samuel Kahuma Abwooli draws closer to his retirement.

Bunyoro Kitara Anglican Diocese Synod is yet to announce the names of the clergy that will be forwarded to the House of Bishops for selection.

But in the meantime, Bishop Kahuma will start bidding farewell to different Anglican communities and Church-founded institutions.

Speaking during the house warming ceremony for the new state of the art Bishop’s House in Rusembe 1 Cell, Hoima City, Bishop Kahuma noted that he will in July this year start bidding farewell to Christians as he will hold his first farewell service at his retirement home in Nyarugabo, Hoima West City Division on Saturday July 1, 2023.

“I have embarked on my retirement journey as mandated and guided by the Anglican Church when the bishop clocks 65 years of age. I will clock the retirement age on August 28, 2024” he said.

Meanwhile, Bishop Kahuma has hailed Christians for the generous contribution towards the construction of the Bishop’s house.

Rt. Rev. Can. Samuel Kahuma was consecrated as the fifth Bishop of Bunyoro Kitara Diocese on Sunday December 4, 2016. The consecration service presided over by Stanley Ntagali, the former Archbishop of the Church of Uganda at St. Peters Cathedral Duhaga in Hoima town.

His predecessors are Nathan Kyamanywa (2002-2016), Wilson Nkuma Turumanya (1989-2002), Yonasani Rwakaikara (1981-1989) and Yusitus Ruhindi (1972-1981).

Kahuma was born on August 28, 1959, to Yolam Meihaho, a school teacher, and Joyce Nsugwa Meihaho. Unfortunately, his father died in 1970 when Kahuma was only 11.

He was ordained Deacon in 1990 by Bishop Wilson Nkuuna Turumanya and in 1991 he was transferred to Masindi District as a curator at St Mathew’s Church. He would also teach at Kabalega Primary School.