Rising Teenage Pregnancies in Bunyoro Sub-Region Raise Concern Among Leaders and Health Experts



Leaders and health experts have raised concerns about the escalating cases of teenage pregnancies in the Bunyoro sub-region, despite several interventions being put in place to fight the vice.

According to a survey conducted by Makerere University School of Public Health between September 2021 and October 2022, Bunyoro and Tooro are the leading regions in teenage pregnancies in Uganda.

The survey revealed that Bunyoro alone registered 25,054 cases of early pregnancies among girls aged between 15-19 years in 2022, up from 29,234 in 2021, with the most affected districts being Kikuube, Kibaale, and Kagadi.

Fredrick Lukumu, the Buliisa LCV Chairperson, called for immediate intervention to address the issue and urged leaders at all levels to join efforts to fight teenage pregnancy cases in the region. He attributed the trend to high school dropout cases and lack of parental support, especially for girls.
Audio Clip……….Fred Lukumu on Teenage Pregnancy rr

Peter Banura, the Kikuube LCV Chairperson, emphasized the need for a concerted effort to fight the vice and called upon cultural, religious, and opinion leaders to join the fight.

Dr. Richard Mugahi, the Assistant Commissioner in charge of Maternal and Child Health in the Ministry of Health, attributed the teenage pregnancy cases to the high rate of school dropouts in the region. He called for access to adolescent sexual reproductive health services, especially for those who are not in school.

Mugahi has also appealed to the government to provide skills training for girls who became pregnant and dropped out of school so that they could be financially self-reliant. He also expressed concern about the high maternal and infant mortality rate, particularly among young girls in the region.