Uncontrolled Behavior Fueling HIV, Accidents


By Johnson Kanyesige

With the increasing cases of road accidents and HIV prevalence in Bunyoro, locals have been challenged to embrace behavioral change in order to save more lives.

During the training of selected ambassadors of “Yambala for Me” campaign held at Hoima Resort Hotel on Monday, the experiences shared by participants indicated that most of cases of accidents and HIV prevalence are due to uncontrolled behaviors of people.

George Talemwa the “Yambala for me” campaign director has noted that cases of accidents and HIV infections are recorded on a daily and it takes a collective effort of behavioral change to tame this in our communities.

Talemwa says for cases of road users, it is up to the passenger on a motorcycle or in a car to caution the driver or a rider to reduce on the speed and ensure all motorcyclists put on helmets all the time. “When a passenger keeps silent and an accident happens, everyone is affected”. He says while on the road, drivers should use seatbelts and avoid use of phones, loud speakers and stay focused.

For the cases of preventing HIV/AIDS, he called on partners to ensure they use condoms to avoid contracting virus and other sexually transmitted infections among others.

Joy Katwesige, the Western region ambassador for the campaign” revealed that with the ambassadors now secured, the campaign will be extended to the communities through organizing a street bash, meeting with boda boda riders, private sector players and business community to train them on their safety through use of helmets, safety jackets, condoms, masks, seatbelts, and safety helmet among others.

Dorcus Akampura a resident of Hoima and one of the ambassadors of the campaign calls for joint efforts to ensure safety for every one. She adds that by doing that we will not be doing it for ourselves alone but for the children, family and everyone.

The Yambala for Me campaign is being implemented by TASO Uganda in partnership with One-dollar HIV/AIDS initiative Uganda and other government ministries and agencies.