Fighting Land Grabbing: Bugahya County MP Wants Locals Sensitised on Land Titling Processes


By Johnson Kanyesige

As one way of finding a lasting solution to land conflicts in Hoima district, the Bugahya county legislator wants all residents sensitized on the land title processing and documentation in order to have permanent ownership of their land.

Pius Wakabi in an exclusive interview with Spice FM says, land grabbing and evictions are on the rise in Bugahya county and the district at large something which requires concerted efforts.

Wakabi reveals that if people are sensitized on land related issues, it will be easy for leaders to assist and defend them during disputes.

Meanwhile, the legislator has promised to intervene in the ongoing land conflicts in Rwobunyonyi village, Buraru sub county, Hoima district to ensure peace returns among the residents.

He says the residents are no longer sleeping in their houses fearing for their lives.