Relief as Government Approves Use of 3 Inch Gill Net on Lake Albert


By Peter Abanabasazi

Fishermen in Buliisa District are excited after government has allowed them to use 3 inches of gill net on Lake Albert as they fish Angara and Ngacia fish species.

Recently, during an evaluation meeting for Ngacia and Angara fishing Association at Kamagongolo landing site in Butiaba Sub County, the executive director of Uganda Fisheries and Fish Conservation Association Seremosi Kamuturaki disclosed that government through the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries had manufactured 3 inches of gill net and is planning to start supplying them to different active fishermen associations along the shores of Lake Albert.

He said allowing the fishing community to use the 3 inches of gill nets will enable fishermen improve their incomes and also reduce of procurement costs from abroad.

Kamuturaki says the manufacturing of the 3 inch gill net for Ngacia and Angara fish species followed an engagement with various stakeholders held in Jinja last year.