Lack of Ambulances Causing More Deaths in Hoima Oil City, leaders claim


By Tugume Johnbosco

Residents and local leaders in Hoima Oil City have expressed concern over lack of government ambulances to respond to emergency cases as Covid19 pandemic continue to stick.

The leaders say this is the leading cause for infant, maternal and covid19 deaths because patients resort to using risky means like boda boda to access health facilities.

Judith Atuhairwe, the chairperson for Buchunga cell in Kchwamba ward, Hoima East Division said she recently nearly lost her husband after they failed to raise sh200,000 fuel for the ambulance to transport the patient to Hoima Regional hospital.

Bosco Muhanuzi, the mayor for Hoima East Division in Hoima Oil City explains that there is need for government to consider procuring ambulances for Hoima Regional hospital and other lower health facilities.

According to him, patients in critical conditions find it difficult to move from lower health facilities in the division like Kyakapeya, Omugo Bisereko or Buhanika Health centres to the Regional Hospital because there is no official means.

“The only available means is Boda boda or vehicles provided by political leaders because private Ambulances are very expensive for our local community” he said.

Robert Kyomuhendo Ruhigwa, the mayor for Hoima West Division said they spend a lot of time looking for an ambulance to respond to emergencies and at the end, the victim succumbs to death.

Dr Patrick Mwesigwa Isingoma, the legislature for Hoima East Division said due to public demand, he decided to procure a community ambulance to boost free emergency response in the city for better health service delivery.

“No body will pay even a single coin but just link up to your village chairman and ambulance will be available to transport the patient immediately” he said at the launch of ambulance over the weekend.
