Covid19: Kikuube LC5 Chairman Warns Against Complacency

Hon Peter Banura Addressing Media on Thursday

By Tugume Johnbosco

Hon Peter Banura Addressing Media on Thursday

Kikuube District lc5 chairman has warned that COVID-19 cases in the district could surge out of proportion if the public continues to relax in implementing preventive measures against the virus.

The district has cumulatively registered 264 Covid19 infections and four deaths.

Peter Banura, the Kikuube LC5 chairman on Thursday explained that there is still a lot of laxity in the public especially in the rural areas where by the public are still making gatherings in bars, social functions without masks among others.

According to him, they have limited police personnel and transport means to ensure the enforcement officers make patrols allover the district.

Mr. Banura said they have now decided to offer some of the district cars to police to foster their movements but also asked the local leaders at the sub county, parish and villages levels to enforce the guidelines.

“We are not implementing the measures as leaders, if we don’t go back to seriousness, we are going to see many more cases and many more deaths,” he said

Kikuube district which was curved out of Hoima in 2018 hosts Kyangwali refugee camp where most of the covid19 infections are reported.
