Bugoma Forest Issues Need President Museveni’s Intervention- Minister Karubanga


By Peter Abanabasazi

The State Minister for Public Service David Karubaga has said that the issue of Bugoma forest needs President Museveni’s intervention but not Members of Parliament.

Last week, a group of environmental activists under their umbrella Save Bugoma Campaign, blamed leaders in Bunyoro mostly MPs for being silent as an investor, Hoima Sugar Company Limited continues to destroy the forest.

It is alleged that over 400 hectares of the forest cover have so far been cleared down by Hoima Sugar Company limited.

But Minister Karubanga, who is also the Kigorobya County MP notes that Bugoma forest issues are not all about Bunyoro leaders but require the Kingdom subjects to mobilize and petition the President to intervene into the matter by discussing with the investor to refund his money.

He says that the issue of Bugoma is tricky since Hoima Sugar Company limited was cleared by Court to go on with its activity on the contested forest land whose ownership to Kingdom was also granted by court.

He says that Uganda is a law abiding country and suggested to have an appeal against the court ruling saying that the court order can only be challenged by a court and not by words.