Kikuube Famers Stuck with Tons of Sugarcane


By John Bosco Tugume

Hundreds of Sugarcane Out growers in Kikuube district are stuck with their cane after Hoima Sugar Factory delayed to buy it from them.

Some out growers say their sugarcane has exceeded the 18-month maturity period and is drying up in their gardens hence making them make loses.

Others claim there is a lot of bribery involved by the field factory staff and transporters for one to have his or her cane harvested.

Omuhereza Basiima, from Munteme, an out grower says her sugarcane has spent almost three years without being cut.

Teddy Kyomugisa, the Kiziranfumbi sub-county district female councillor elect says there was need to improve on social cooperate responsibility by the factory management because their activities affect the lives of people.

The factory management and some out growers’ leaders convened a crisis meeting over the weekend at Kaigo, Munteme parish where the farmers raised the complaints.

The factory managers pledged to follow-up the concerns by visiting the affected farmers to have their canes cut and others issues sorted.