Kigorobya Residents Demand Improved Service Delivery from Newly Elected Leadership


By John Bosco Tugume

The need to extend piped water services, improve on sanitation and modernizing the market stalls remain key demands for residents in Kigorobya town council from the new leadership.

Jackson Tumusiime, a trader says Kigorobya town market which operates every Wednesday has remained undeveloped for long saying it was time for the new leaders to consider improving it.

He says sanitation in the market is always poor and lacks public urinals yet it accommodates hundreds of traders.

Joseline Nsungwa, a resident says the town council has always lacked clean water services adding that though there is piped water but there was need to extend it to other areas to reach out to other places.

John Babyesiza, a butcher who is also contesting for the town council chairperson seat as an independent candidate admits the problems saying it’s what prompted him to contest for the seat to ensure improved social services in the area.

Babyesiza is contesting against other four candidates who include Joshua Byangire (NRM) and incumbent, Edgar Asiimwe Kanogora, Fredrick Elijah Bategeka Sharif and Kajumbi.